Friday, March 20, 2015

And So We Begin

     You know all those projects that you want to do but never actually do? The ones that are just sitting in a perpetual waiting room in the back of your mind? We've got a lot of projects like that, and one of them is blogging. We figure that starting a blog together would 1) help us check that particular project off our list and 2) keep us accountable for doing more projects.

For our first blog post, we've decided to make a list of things we want to do together this spring (this is the perfect time, as today is the spring equinox). We love lists, and you can't go wrong with a list post, right? Everyone does lists. And we're sheep. So let's get started!

Spring Bucket List:
  • Start a Blog - Hooray, we can check that one off already! We are such great achievers!
  • Craft & Cook - We have a zillion recipes and craft projects to do. If we get through even a few of them this spring, we'll be happy.
  • Go on a Picnic - Picnics are always fun, and maybe we can also swing on the swings at the park!
  • Go to a Movie - Cinderella just came out! Yes, we're excited. No, we're not 5. We just like Disney. And swings. And legos and coloring and stickers and play-doh.
  • Visit the Farmer's Market - Probably won't buy anything, because we're broke. But hey, it's been a while since we last went and it will be fun to look around.
  • Grow a Plant - Spring is the time for new life! (Now wouldn't it be kind of ironic if our plant died?)
  • Exercise - Will we go for walks? Bike rides? Who knows? But we need to exercise so our poor eating habits don't catch up with us. And perhaps we should also work on our poor eating habits...
  • Go to a Museum - Get some culture. Point and laugh at the weird modern art.
  • Work on Drama Stuff - Put on mini plays! Maybe write one ourselves? And film it? The possibilities are endless.
  • Go to the Zoo - Lions, tigers, and bears - oh my! (Does anyone actually know what that's from, or do people just reference it willy-nilly?)
  • Make Brunch on Mother's Day - Our mom has made an incredible amount of sacrifices for our benefit. We'll say thank you with waffles. That makes us even, right?
  • Dye Easter Eggs - Because tradition. *cue music from Fiddler on the Roof*
  • Make Music Playlists - For the car, or studying, or writing, or all the wild parties we have on Friday nights. ;)
  • Participate in Camp NaNoWriMo in April - NaNoWriMo is short for National Novel Writing Month. The main event is in November, but camp NaNoWriMo happens in April and July. If you want to know more, visit
  • Play Flute & Piano Together - We both need more incentive to practice our instruments. Disney duets are really good incentive.
  • Go to an Old English Country Dance - By now you should realize that we're huge nerds.
  • Practice Harmonizing - We both want to gain the skill of sight-reading music so that we can easily sing harmony without having to go through extensive practice for each individual piece, so we've decided to start singing together on a regular basis, one of us singing harmony and the other melody.
  • Clean our Room - It's amazing how much junk we have. Life is busy, and somehow things just pile up. Maybe we'll have a yard sale at some point... but we'll save that for another list.

So that's our spring bucket list! We'll let you know how it goes. Tell us in the comments what your goals are for this spring, and check back on April 3 for our next blog post!