Sunday, September 27, 2015

Blog Award

Our friend The Diva nominated us for a blogging award! Thank you, Diva! You can check out her blog over at

Here are the award rules, copied from her blog (and with occasional commentary from us in parentheses):
1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and link to their blog.
2. Answer the questions that the blogger who nominated you has provided. (Diva, our answers are at the very end of this post!)
3. Nominate four other bloggers.
4. Create ten questions for your nominees and notify them of their nomination. (We're breaking this rule a bit - we'll ask just three questions rather than ten.)

(EDIT: If anyone doesn't understand the concept of this whole award thing, check out this very helpful and detailed explanation.)

Award nominees, we understand that your lives are busy. Please don't feel obligated to participate if you'd rather not. That said, we enjoy your blogs and want to give you some recognition! Therefore, we nominate:

These blogs each have their own unique flavor. Take a minute to check them out, and if you like what you see, let them know!

Our questions for the nominees:
1. Who inspires you? You can name anyone - someone you know personally, a historical or literary figure, a world leader, a celebrity... absolutely anyone that pops into your head.
2. What hobby would you like to try with which you have little to no previous experience?
3. What book do you recommend we read to discuss in a future Sister Projects blog post?

The Diva's questions for us:
A. Who would you love to be, if you had a chance to be someone else?
B. One food you need to taste before the world ends...
C. Your dream job?

Sarah's answers:
A. Well, as long as this is just a short-term sort of thing, I would choose to be someone from an important time in history, such as Laura Ingalls Wilder.
B. I like to think I'm a pretty adventurous person, but I cringe at the thought of exotic dishes such as squid, escargot, or even sushi. Maybe someday I'll get over myself and seek out opportunities to try these foods. For now though, I'm just going to stick with my goal of trying gelato. It doesn't sound weird or scary. It just sounds fabulous.
C. Given my stage of life, this is something I think about a lot. I'm still weighing lots of options that sound really great, such as writing, teaching, or pretty much anything theater-related.

Katie's answers:
A. Hmm... I'm going to cheat and say I'd like to be a better version of myself. ;)
B. There are a bunch of foods I'd like to try, ranging from eggplant to escargot to fried calamari. However, if I had to pick just one food I've never had before, I think I'd pick poutine. That's right, the famous Canadian dish - fries topped with cheese curds and gravy. A strange choice, perhaps, but that's my answer.
C. I don't know! I ask myself this question all the time. What should I do with my life? What career should I pursue? I'm at a loss. If I have to give an answer, I think I'd like to be an editor.

Thanks to everyone who supports us. We appreciate you guys so much. :)


  1. Thank you both so much for nominating me, Sarah and Katie! =)

  2. Replies
    1. It sounds amazing. Where did you have it?

      -- Katie

      P.S. Sorry for the huge delay in replying... I remember reading your comments one day and planning to reply, and then I got called away from the computer. I just now realized that I never responded. :P Thanks for supporting our blog! <3
